Friday 12 September 2008

Track Palin - could he be a patsy for his mother's political ambition?

There's more than enough being written about how incredibly unsuitable Sarah Palin is to hold any power anywhere let alone to be a heartbeat away from the US Presidency.

The idea that this narrow minded bigot should be in possession of the launch codes for the biggest nuclear arsenal in earth is truly terrifying. That the US electoral process has now boiled down to such an infantile level that this woman can even be on the Republican ticket speaks volumes for the pitiful state of the US.

However, my concern today is not for the world but for her son Track (don't these rednecks have a cute with with naming their kids?). For while Track Palin is no angel - rumour has it that he signed up in order to avoid jail time for vandalising the breaks on a school bus - he shipped out to Iraq yesterday. It must surely be among his greatest fears that his mother will be only too happy to see him sacrificed to further her own political ambition.

While entirely speculative of course, I do wonder about Track's safety. Initially my speculation led me to wonder just how long the kid will live - what better media spin than to have Track show up in a bodybag on or about November 7th just days before the election. But a little further consideration led me to an even better ruse - imagine the media sensation if the Vice-Presidential nominee's son were to be taken prisoner by "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" (his Mum is one of the few people that believe that such an organisation actually exists)

Now that one could run and run - it would be a 24 hour news focus and would justify why "America elected Palin" - for you see they really need an explanation for why Obama didn't win the election. Why? Because the whole damn thing is an illusion.

If you still like to hold on to the belief that elections are anything to do with how you vote then this may come as a shock - they aren't. It's all been decided a long while ago - the only thing that's in the air is how to fake it sufficiently convincingly that enough people will buy it.

So they need a media sensation and what better media sensation that Track being a prisoner?

Sure beats an October surprise.

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