Sunday 6 January 2008

Video From American al Qaeda Coming Soon

You have got to hand it to the propaganda guys in Langley, Virginia (headquarters of the CIA for the uninitiated) or maybe Tel Aviv (Mossad) - this is a real beauty. Now there are pre-release advertisements for Al-Qaeda and not just your run of the mill Al-Qaeda but AMERICAN Al-Qaeda at that.

So why on earth would anybody believe this rubbish and why do the powers that be need to propagate it?

Could it by any chance be anything to do with this relatively new law that most American's probably aren't even aware of - H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.

I mean what's the point in going to all the trouble to make this unbelievable bunch of laws that remove the right to freedom of thought from American's if you don't have an ever-present "Homegrown" terrorism? So how incredibly convenient of American Al-Qaeda to have a pre-release announcement of yet another video.

While digging around on this subject a couple of really interesting bits of information cropped up. The first from the US Congress itself where it is stated that "The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the bill..." - I find it fascinating that SO much of this legislation is rushed through Congress, what happened to debate, what happened to the illusion of democracy? Rushing Bills through Congress is not democracy that's dictatorship. The second is that I cannot find the websites with all these Al-Qaeda videos on - has anybody else seen these websites?

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