Tuesday 8 January 2008

ID Cards - Britain slips closer to totalitarian rule.

A few months back a friend of mine in the UK received a letter from his bank informing him of a new law or regulation or some such piece of the burgeoning web of control that is the UK today. The letter simply stated that his bank was now operating a system whereby his account could be frozen should a third party inform the bank that they had a claim against him and the bank reasonably believed that he might try to remove his money before the bank was able to pay said third party.

This struck me as strange to say the least because UK law already has the necessary mechanisms in place for creditors that have been granted the necessary rights through due legal process to notify banks of such claim and the relevant Court order and have accounts frozen pending settlement of the debt.

If you take a moment to think about this the new system that the bank was informing my friend about is appalling as there it clearly stated that there is no need for any due process. A third party can just inform the bank without you even being aware of the stated claim against you and the first thing you know about it is when you can’t get to use any of your own money.

I’ve searched the internet for details of this new system but the UK banking system is so awash with claims over illegal bank charges that it seems nobody’s being paying attention to anything else that’s going on. Being a suspicious sort I have an idea that this may not be entirely coincidental – it’s called distraction!

So the idea bugged me and the obvious implications of the removal of yet another of our meager legal protections from over-arching power – that of the totalitarian state and it’s buddies in the “own and control everything” corporations – angered me.

But there it lay until I was reading an article in the Daily Telegraph (online) “We have everything to fear from ID cards” by Andrew O’Hagan which argued strongly against the introduction of ID Cars in the UK. I agree with Mr O’Hagan that :

"Among the basic civil rights in this country, there has always been, at least in theory, an inclination towards liberal democracy, which includes a tolerance of an individual's right to privacy."

"We are born free and have the right to decide what freedom means, each for ourselves, and to have control over our outward existence, yet that will no longer be the case if we agree to identity cards.”

I do not believe that we should trust our governments as they invariably and consistently deprived the people of Britain of their wealth, their freedom, their rights and frankly anything else the bastards have been able to get their grubby little hands on. I do not believe in the War on Terror as all rational and reasonable evidence shows us clearly that it’s a massive hoax and I certainly don’t buy the line “..if you’ve nothing to hide…” – damn it, we’ve all got everything to hid, that’s what we call PRIVACY.

What really heartened me was that the comments following this article were in the vast majority well informed and against ID Cards. Within the comments were a number of statements proposing that citizens should take a stand against this totalitarian scheme and refuse to apply for the card.

This really encouraged me as I have been growing increasingly frustrated with the inability of ordinary citizens in every country that imposes these ever-restrictive laws to oppose them. The only idea I have come up with is simple passive (Ghandi-esque – if you like) disobedience. If everybody, or maybe even 10 million people, in the UK simply refused to do as they are told maybe things might change.

There are now so many laws that encroach into people’s daily activities that there must surely come a point where people simply stand up and say NO. I keep telling myself that I know that the imperceptible removal of one freedom after another is never enough to wake the sleeping masses but there must surely come a point when people must wake up.

OK, I know that is massive wishful thinking but I still cling to a thread of hope. Perhaps, I said to myself last night, this ID Card scheme will be the straw that breaks the camels back…………and then it hit me. That’s why they need to be able to access people’s bank accounts and freeze them without due legal process – if millions of people had to be taken to court by the government it would simply never happen but if the government could avoid all due process and grab you by the throat by cutting off your supply of money then that’s going to make a lot of people buckle under the pressure.

Now there’s a very real chance that those who refuse to get an ID Card would win in the UK courts (if they could afford to access their right to a fair hearing) as there are still independent judges who respect the rights of freedom of the common man. But on further investigation that son of the devil David Blunkett (Home Secretary responsible for the Identity Card Act 2006) removed the right to contest mandatory ID Cards by making it not a criminal matter but a “civil financial penalty” of up to £1,000 – in fact he wanted the fine to be £2,500 but that was reduced in the final legislation. He has so little respect for the people of Britain that he is quoted “…not making registering a criminal issue would avoid "clever people" becoming martyrs.” How unbelievably cynical can you get – and they want us to trust people like this man!

On the subject of David Blunkett, a man for whom garnering contempt is something of a hobby, I notice that he just happens to be in the pay of Entrust Inc. a Texas based firm interested in bidding to run the UK’s ID Card scheme. Not only that but he’s been busy writing to the London Times arguing the case for ID Cards.

So if you're British and you intend to act for your freedom and refuse to apply for the ID Card what will happen? Well, it seems that you will immediately become liable for a "civil financial penalty" of £1,000. There are presently no details of what warnings you will be given but as the situation stands today, should you fail to pay the penalty AND get the ID Card the government will inform your bank and your ENTIRE account will be blocked.

So NO ID CARD = NO MONEY. That's the sort of society that Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Blunkett have built for Britain.

So there might seem to be precious little the average citizen can do to resist these ID Cards unless they are prepared well in advance and have the stomach for a long fight. But fight they must for with the passing of every new law the chance to fight gets less and less until there will be NO CHANCE.

Freedom and liberty are not rights – they have to be fought for.

Sunday 6 January 2008

Video From American al Qaeda Coming Soon

You have got to hand it to the propaganda guys in Langley, Virginia (headquarters of the CIA for the uninitiated) or maybe Tel Aviv (Mossad) - this is a real beauty. Now there are pre-release advertisements for Al-Qaeda and not just your run of the mill Al-Qaeda but AMERICAN Al-Qaeda at that.

So why on earth would anybody believe this rubbish and why do the powers that be need to propagate it?

Could it by any chance be anything to do with this relatively new law that most American's probably aren't even aware of - H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.

I mean what's the point in going to all the trouble to make this unbelievable bunch of laws that remove the right to freedom of thought from American's if you don't have an ever-present "Homegrown" terrorism? So how incredibly convenient of American Al-Qaeda to have a pre-release announcement of yet another video.

While digging around on this subject a couple of really interesting bits of information cropped up. The first from the US Congress itself where it is stated that "The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the bill..." - I find it fascinating that SO much of this legislation is rushed through Congress, what happened to debate, what happened to the illusion of democracy? Rushing Bills through Congress is not democracy that's dictatorship. The second is that I cannot find the websites with all these Al-Qaeda videos on - has anybody else seen these websites?